May 18, 2014

Saleem's Top Movie Moments (Sci-Fi/Fantasy)

Movie Moment List


On this visually spectacular, mind bending, and geek out worthy list of awesome movie moments, we venture through my top favorite scenes from the realm of science-fiction and fantasy. Expect titles most likely involving futuristic weaponry and bizarre creatures from other dimensions.

The Star Wars Franchise

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 
1. Pod Racing Event
2. Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Vs. Darth Maul

Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
3. Obi-Wan Vs. Jango Fett (Ground To Space Battle)
4. Bounty Hunter City Chase
5. Anakin, Obi-Wan, & Yoda Vs. Count Dooku

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 
6. Obi-Wan and Anakin Vs Count Dooku
7. Palpatine Tells Anakin the Legend of Darth Plagueis
8. Execution of Order 66
9. Obi-Wan Vs. Anakin/Darth Vader
10. Darth Vader Obtains His Iconic Suit

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
11. Darth Vader Interrogates & Kills Captain Antilles
12. Luke Looks Out At the Twin Suns Contemplating His Life
13. Darth Vader Force Chokes Admiral Motti 
14. Han Encounters & Shoots Greedo
15. The Battle of Yavin

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 
16. The Battle of Hoth
17. Lando Hands Over Han To Vader
18. Han Solo Gets Frozen In Carbonite
19. Luke's Training On Dagobah
20. Luke Vs. Darth Vader

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
21. Fight Above The Sarlacc Pit
22. Speederbike Chase
23. Luke's Confrontation With the Emperor
24. Luke Vs. Darth Vader/Vader's Redemption
25. The Battle of Endor
26. Celebration & Reunion

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
27. Kylo Ren & The First Order Invades Village
28. Kylo Ren Interrogates Poe Dameron
29. Finn & Rey's First Use of The Millennium Falcon
30. Rathtars Unleash On Cargo Ship
31. Starkiller Base Destroys An Entire Star System
32. Rey's Force Vision
33. The Battle on Takodana
34. Kylo Ren's Conflicted Interrogation With Rey
35. Kylo Ren Kills Han Solo
36. Rey & Finn Vs. Kylo Ren
37. Rey Encounters Luke Skywalker

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
38. The Battle of Scarif
39. Vader Slaughters A Rebel Squad

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
40. Holdo's Hyperspace Sacrifice
41. The Battle of Crait

Solo: A Star Wars Story
42. Han & Lando's 1st Game of Sabacc
43. Han & Lando's Final Game of Sabacc

The Terminator Franchise

1. Kyle's Future War Nightmare
2. Club Assassination Attempt
3. The T-800 Chases Reece & Sarah In A Police Car
4. Police Station Massacre
5. T-800 Endoskeleton Reveal

Terminator 2: Judgement Day
6. Future War Opening Scene
7. T-800 Rescues John From The T-1000
8. Truck Chase & Nitrogen Freeze
9. Sarah's Apocalyptic Nightmare
10. T-800 Vs. T-1000 (Final Battle)
11. T-800's Self Destruction

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
12. Crane Chase
13. Judgement Day

Terminator: Salvation
14. Opening Battle
15. Harvester Attacks Gas Station
16. Moto Terminators Chase
17. T-800 Fights John & Marcus

Terminator: Genisys
18. Old T-800 Vs. New T-800

Terminator: Dark Fate
19. Highway Chase
20. Final Battle Against The Rev-9 In The Kill Box

The Lord of the Rings Franchise

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
1. The Battle of Dagorlad
2. Nazgûl Leans Over Fearful Hobbits
3. Joining of the Fellowship
4. The Watcher In The Water Attacks Frodo
5. Giant Orc Underground Battle
6. The Balrog's Arrival & Confrontation
7. The Battle of Amon Hen

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
8. Gandalf Battles The Balrog
9. Battle Against The Warg Riders
10. Arwen Sadly Imagines Aragorn's Funeral
11. Sméagol Takes Control of Gollum
12. Battle at Helm's Deep

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
13. Invasion & Battle of Gondor
14. Shelob Captures Frodo
15. Sam Batles Shelob
16. Battle At The Black Gates
17. Sauron's Destruction
18. The Hobbit's Return to The Shire's Bar
19. Frodo's Final Goodbye

The Mummy Franchise

The Mummy
1. Tuareg Nomads Vs. The French Foreign Legion
2. Beni Encounters The Mummy & Uses Different Prayers
3. Rick's First Encounter With the Mummy
4. Imhotep Kills Mr. Henderson
5. Imhotep Kills The Egyptologist In Public
6. Rick Scares Imhotep With A Cat
7. Imhotep Summons A Sandstorm
8. Rick & Crew Vs. Imhotep's Minions
9. Beni Gets Trapped For Death

The Mummy Returns
10. The O'Connells and Ardeth Vs. Lock-Nah's Men
11. Imhotep's Mummies Chases After Rick & Crew
12. Alex Annoys Lock-Nah 
13. Nefertiri vs. Anck Su (Flashback)
14. Imhotep Walks Through Alex's Projections & Captures Him
15. Imhotep Summons A Tidal Wave
16. Battle In The Jungle
17. Rick Rushes To Save Alex From The Sunlight
18. Rick Vs. Imhotep
19. Ardeth's Army Vs. The Army of Anubis

The Hobbit Franchise

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 
1. Thorin Recounts His Battle With Azog
2. Smaug's Attack on Erebor Flashback
3. Encounter & Battle With The Mountain Trolls
4. Battle Through Goblin Town
5. Bilbo & Gollum's Battle of Riddles
6. Thorin Vs. Azog (Finale)

 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 
7. Barrel River Escape & Battle
8. Legolas vs. Bolg & Orc Soldiers
9. Gandalf Encounters Sauren and Orcs
10. Smaug Awakens & Speaks to Bilbo

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 
11. Smaug's Attack on Laketown
12. The Council Battles Sauron
13. The Battle of the Armies
14. Thorin, Legolas, & Tauriel vs. Azog & Bolg
The Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
1. Barbossa Shows Elizabeth His Crew's Undead Curse
2. Barbossa's Undead Crew Ambushes Ship
3. Jack's Hanging Ceremony & Escape
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
4. First Kraken Attack
5. Davy Jones' Introduction
6. Will Challenges Davy Jones to Dice Game
7. Kraken Destroys Crewship To Get To Will
8. Fight On The Big Wheel
9. Jack & Crew Battles The Kraken
10. Jack's Final Confrontation With The Kraken
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 
10. Jack's Experience In Davy Jone's Locker
11. Meeting of The Brethren Court
12. Everyone Indecisively Aims At Each Other
13. Collided Ship Battle

The Indiana Jones Franchise

Raiders of The Lost Ark
1. Opening Temple Escape
2. Bar Shootout
3. Desert Chase
4. Opening of the Ark

Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom
5. Banquet Feast of Foreign Delicacies
6. Indy Fights Assailant In Bedroom
7. Spiked Room Deathtrap
8. Introduction & Execution of the Kali Ma Ritual
9. Indy Slowly Becomes Corrupted By The Blood of Kali
10. Battle & Escape of The Slave Mines
11. Battle On The Bridge
12. Indie Returns To The Village

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
13. Bridge Crossing of Faith

The Transformers Franchise

1. Blackout's Intro
2. Scorponox Emerges Behind Soldiers
3. Autobots Vs. Brawl
4. Sam Runs Through City Battle
5. Starscream Ambushes Fighter Jets

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
6. Demolisher's Intro
7. Devastator's Transformation Scene
Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon 
8. Shockwave's Debut
9. Deceptions Emerge & Invade Chicago
10. Driller Attacks Skyscraper
Transformers: Age of Extinction 
11. Lockdown's First Confrontation With Optimus

The Star Trek Franchise
Star Trek
1. Kirk & Sulu Vs. Romulans
2. Kirk & Sulu Free Falls from a Planetary Drill
3. Kirk Encounters Giant Ice Creature

Star Trek: Into Darkness 
4. Khan Destroys Klingon Army 
5. Kirk & Khan's Space Jump
6. The Enterprise Falls To Earth
7. The USS Vengeance Crashes On Earth
8. Spock Chases Down & Fights Khan

Star Trek: Beyond
9. Krall Invades the Enterprise

The Matrix Franchise
The Matrix
1. Morpheus Trains Neo in Dojo
2. Neo Dodges Bullets
3. Neo Vs. Agent Smith (Final Battle)
4. The Agents Chase Neo (Final Chase)
5. Neo Is Resurrected And Effortlessly Defeats The Agents
Matrix Reloaded 
6. Neo Vs. Agent Smith Army
7. Highway Battle
8. Neo Rescues Morpheus & The Key Maker
Matrix Revolution
9. Neo vs. Agent Smith (Final Battle)
The Godzilla Franchise
Godzilla (2014)
1. Godzilla's Tsunami Arrival
2. Airport Confrontation
3. Battle At The Golden Gate Bridge
4. MUTO Uses EMP Then Dives After Bomb
5. Godzilla Confronts The MUTO In The City
5. Halo Jump
6. Godzilla's Final Battle Against The MUTOs
7. Godzilla Uses Atomic Breath To Kill The MUTO

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

8. Mothra's Final Form Is First Unleashed

9. Rodan Emerges and Confronts Military and Ghidorah

The Pacific Rim Franchise

Pacific Rim

1. Gypsy Danger Vs. Knifehead
2. Gypsy Danger Crashes in Snow
3. Striker Eureka VS Mutavore
4. Mako's "Onibaba Incident" Drift
5. Cherno Alpha/Crimson Typhoon vs Otachi/Leatherback
6. Gypsy Danger Vs. Leatherback
7. Gypsy Danger Vs. Otachi
8. Final Battle

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

1. Roy's First Encounter With UFO
2. Police Attempts To Chase UFOs
3. House Invasion With Child Kidnapping
4. Mothership & Other Ships Arrive
5. Musical Conversation With Mothership
6. Final Contact With Aliens

Godzilla Vs. Kong

1. Godzilla vs. Kong (First Encounter)
2. Kong Battles Creatures on Hollow Earth
3. Godzilla vs. Kong (Hong Kong Battle)
4. Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla
5. Godzilla & Kong vs. Mecha Godzilla

The Jungle Book

1. Sheer Khan's Introduction
2. Moogly Encounters Kaa
3. King Louie's Introduction
4. Baloo & Bagheera Vs. King Louie's Army
5. Final Battle Against Sheer Khan


1. Opening Heist Mission
2. Cafe' Dream Reveal
3. Ariadne Gets Attacked By Cobb's Subconscious
4. Rotating Room Fight
5. The Final Kick

District 9

1. Wikus & Christopher Battles Soldiers In Lab
2. Wikus Uses Mech To Rescue Christopher & Ship
3. Mothership's Activation Causes City Wide Glass Shatter
4. Mothership Leaves Earth
5. Wikus Is Fully Transformed

 The Alien Vs. Predator Franchise

Alien Vs. Predator
1. The Three Predators Uncloak 
2. Sacrificial Chamber Alien Trap
3. Predator Using Glaive to Kill 2 Aliens
4. Scar & Alexa Vs. Alien Queen

Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem 
5. Predator Kills Multiple Aliens & Unexpected Human with Glaive

The Bumblebee Franchise



1. Opening Battle on Cybertron

2. Bumblebee Vs. Blitzwing

3. Bumblebee Vs. Dropkick

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

4. G.I. Joe Organization Reveal

The Predator Franchise

1. Dutch And His Squad Ambushes an Insurgent Camp
2. Dutch Sets Traps While The Predator Adds To His Trophy Collection
3. Dutch Vs. The Predator

4. Predator Takes On Alpha Predator


1. Super Powered Prank Montage
2. The Crew Encounters A Passing Plane While Flying Around
3. Andrew Uses His Powers For Robbery
4. Battle In The City


1. The Group Gets Caught In Between An Army Assault
2. Underground Parasite Attack
3. Helicopter View of Monster
4. Hud's Final Encounter With The Monster


1. All Dog Fights
2. EDI Forces Crew To Attack Tajikistan
3. Kara's Parachute Fall
4. Flaming Halo

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

1. The Grinch Causes Destruction in Whoville
2. The Grinch Builds His Sleigh and Costume
3. The Grinch Physically Reacts To His Growing Heart
4. The Grinch Attempts To Save The Falling Sleigh

The Huntsman Franchise

Snow White and the Huntsman
1. Snow White Is Attacked By The Dark Forest
2. Giant Troll Attacks Snow White & Huntsman
3. Final Battle

The Clash of the Titans Franchise

 Clash of the Titans
1. Medusa's Lair Fight
2. The Kraken Emerges

Wrath of the Titans
3. Battle Against Kronos & Army

The G.I. Joe Franchise

G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra 
1. Paris Chase Scene

G.I. Joe: Retaliation 
2. Snake Eyes Vs. Storm Shadow
3. Ninja Mountain Battle

Sucker Punch 

1. Samurai Fight
2. Robot Train Battle
3. Orc Battle


1. David's First Confrontation With Roland
2. Griffin Fights Roland At His Hideout
3. David Vs. Griffin

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) 

1. GORT's Introduction
2. Klaatu's Reverse Interrogation
3. GORT Deflects Spy Drones

King Kong (2005) 

1. King Kong vs. Two T-Rexes 
2. Giant Insects Attack
3. Kong Battles Fleet of Airplanes

The Mortal Kombat Franchise

Mortal Kombat
1. Liu Kang Vs. Reptile
2. Subzero & Liu Kang's Epic Stand Off
3. Lui Kang Vs. Shang Tsung

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

1. Wonka Sings  While Showing "The Chocolate Room"
2. Violet Beauregard Turns Into A Blueberry 
3. Willy Wonka's Tunnel of Nightmare


1. Mutated Bear Attacks Crew
2. Lena's Encounter & Confrontation With The Alien

Ready Player One

1. First Race To The Copper Key Sequence
2. Gundam & Iron Giant Vs. Mechagodzilla


1. All Satellite Destruction Scenes
2. Dr. Ryan Stone's Return to Earth


1. Hercules' Labor of the Gods Montage
2. Hercules Screams His Name


1. Jake's First Banshee Flight
2. Battle For Pandora

Battle: Los Angeles 

1. Opening Deployment
2. Heli Evacuation Attack

War of the Worlds (2005)

1. First Tripod Attack
2. Curious Aliens Invade House

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

1. Tornado Incoming
2. The Wicked Witch Sends Her Flying Monkeys

Free Guy

1. Guy Uses Items From The Avengers & Star Wars

Ad Astra

1. Moon Rover Chase

Gemini Man

1. Henry Vs. Junior (Columbia Battle)

The Blade Runner Franchise

Blade Runner 2049
1. Officer K Rescues Deckard From Luv

The Dark Tower

1. Roland Vs. The Man In Black

Edge of Tomorrow

1. All Time Looped Battles

The Planet of the Apes Franchise

The Rise of the Planet of the Apes
1. Caesar Yells "No!"

Cloud Atlas

1. Highway Chase In Neo Seoul

Shin Godzilla

1. Godzilla's First Atomic Breathe

Troll Hunter

1. Hans Vs. Jotnar Troll

The Alice in Wonderland Franchise
Alice In Wonderland

1. Tea Party of Insanity


1. Jarrod Is Reborn In An Alien Body

Pan's Labyrinth

1. Dinner Table Creature Attack

The Host

1. Creature Emerges From Docks & Attacks Crowd


1. John Grimm's POV Action Scene


1. Library Fight

Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla

1. Kiryu Finally Shuts Down After Malfunction

The Independence Day Franchise

Independence Day
1. Aliens Wipe Out Entire City

The Ghost Busters Franchise

Ghost Busters 2
1. Giant State Puff Marshmallow Man

Godzilla (1954)

1. Godzilla Breaks Through Electric Fence & Destroys City

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